Most AI solutions in the recruitment space, look to slim down pools of applicants. They use algorithms to look for characteristics/key words/attributes in candidate CVs or application forms to reduce the number of people invited to interview. Research has showed that these algorithms can be inherently biased.
VireUp's revolutionary AI interview technology opens the opportunity for interview to everyone, regardless of the existence of key words/characteristics expressed on CVs or application forms.
The AI is applied to scoring the interview, and because it is AI, it is nonjudgemental. The way the AI assesses answers allows a huge number of candidates to evidence their capabilities in ways that would be very difficult, and prone to human-error, in person-to-person interviews.

How the AI works:
VireUp assesses and ranks every interview and provides an explanation of the scores (down to concept level). Unlike screening algorithms that assess applicants against thousands of invisible (possibly biased) data points, with VireUp there is full transparency. Everyone knows why a score has been given, and the candidates can get powerful feedback.
And remember, the ranking can be reviewed and shortlisting decisions made before; seeing the candidate, knowing their name, looking at the CV or hearing their voice.
So VireUp is genuinely inclusive. It opens out a career/job/opening to everyone and gives everyone the same opportunity at interview. Other AI based recruitment tools look to sift applicants and reduce the number of candidates invited to interview. This excludes possibly hundreds of potential hires from the opportunity to evidence their experience/capability.
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